Chile! Going down

This morning after clearing Bolivian and Chilean customs and immigration we went all the way down to San Pedro the Atacama. We met other long trip bicycle nomads and we did the descent with two New Zealanders cyclists, Thomas and Julie. We met them in Laguna Verde, they left in October for a one year bike trip around Latin America. What a goal!
With them pushing us to the limit, we reached top speeds up to 65 – 70 kmph 😬 with a 2000m altitude descent all straight to the peculiar village of San Pedro, full of strangers and western style shops.

3 thoughts on “Chile! Going down

  1. Bene, Michele, bene l’accenno musicale, ma non pensate di cavarvela così senza neanche una estemporanea strimpellata con qualche cileno sotto quel popò di stelle. A costo di fare il solletico sulla pancia a un paio di armadilli (VIVI) per accompagnarvi in… boh, stupitemi 😎

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